Send a Telegram Message when you add Google Sheet
Send a Telegram Message when you add Google Sheet
Digital Business Transformation Here: Streamline repetitive tasks with digital tools.
We’re using n8n for integrating with Google Sheets and Telegram.


  • n8n account (Automation platform tool similar to Zapier) → n8n cloud or n8n self-host
  • Google Sheet (Connected with n8n)
  • Telegram (Use Twilio for sending text messages)
How to get Telegram chat ID<YourBOTToken>/getUpdates

Use Cases

  • Sales Lead Notifications: When a new row is added to a Google Sheet that tracks sales leads, an automated text message can be sent to the sales team, alerting them of the new lead. This ensures immediate attention and enables quick follow-up with potential customers.
  • Customer Support Tickets: When a new support ticket is logged in a Google Sheet, an automated text message can be sent to the customer support team, providing them with real-time visibility of the ticket. This allows for prompt response and efficient handling of customer inquiries or issues.
  • Event Registration: When individuals register for an event through a Google Form linked to a Google Sheet, a text message can be sent to the event organizers, notifying them of the new registration. This helps them maintain an accurate count of attendees and enables them to manage event logistics effectively.
  • Inventory Management: In a warehouse or stock management system, when new inventory items are added to a Google Sheet, a text message notification can be sent to the relevant team members. This helps them stay updated on stock levels, ensuring timely replenishment and preventing stockouts.
  • You can use the same logic with other providers like Slack, WhatsApp, Telegram, and so on
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Logic Diagram

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Hands-on using n8n

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Don’t forget to Make the Workflow Active !!!

Known Edge Case

This workflow only works if you added one row per minute because I've added the condition in our n8n Code section to only get the latest update.


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